Certified Fortinet Partner

At Quesys, we pride ourselves on offering our clients the best IT security there is. That’s why we’re a certified Fortinet Security System Partner.

Fortinet is a global leader in unified threat management. Fortinet security provides best-in-class broad, integrated and high-performance protection against dynamic security threats. Fortinet security also simplify your IT security infrastructure by providing a single comprehensive solution to network security.


Fortinet: Powerful and Efficient Security

Fortinet security provides a unified threat management solution that can be centrally administered and maintained. This enables offices to consolidate up to six security functions on an as-need basis, saving money, and avoiding the challenges and complexity of working with multiple technologies and vendors.

Fortinet security delivers comprehensive enterprise-class protection for offices, educational institutions, government departments, and businesses of any size. Fortinet’s industry leading protection means you can protect your remote users, applications, and data from advanced threats.

Want to talk IT?

To find out of Fortinet’s world-class, comprehensive security can do for your company.

Contact Quesys IT Technicians

6855 Av. de l’Épée, Suite 204 Montreal, QC H3N 2C7
T: 514-394-1040

IT Support and Service Region

Quesys is a Montreal I.T. business computer support company. Our IT technicians serve all office computer technician needs throughout Montreal and the surrounding area including Laval, the West Island, South Shore, Eastern Townships, and the Laurentian region. We also provide remote technical support for areas outside our immediate location.